What can I put in my recycling bin?

There are three categories of materials: paper and card; plastics; and tins, cans and foil (metallic) packaging. These are the only items which should go in your recycling bin – clean, dry and loose.

Soft plastics can now be placed in your recycling bin as there have been advancements in packaging design, and investment in recycling technology, allowing segregation of different material types in recycling facilities in Ireland. All plastics can now be placed in the household recycling bin once they are clean, dry and loose.

What Happens to my Carroll’s Package after putting it into the recycling bin?

After collection, soft plastics are brought to material recovery facilities (MRFs) in Ireland to separate the plastics into different polymers. They have been upgraded to include better “transfer and separation technologies” so the quality and value of the plastics is improved significantly.

If the plastic types are recyclable they will be sent to specialised, polymer specific recycling facilities. All too often in the past that has meant exporting the product. If they are not recyclable they will be sent for “energy recovery” through solid residual fuel (SRF) production for cement plants.

For more information on recycling please check out REPAK or Mywaste.ie


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